The Smile Dating Test has gone viral and many people are jumping on it today. It is rare to come across a test that gives you accurate results. This test, however, checks all the boxes and is fast becoming a yardstick for people to gauge their personality and dating style.
No one wants to take the wrong step when it comes to the dating pool, so why not take a test that will help you avoid making mistakes and give you an understanding of yourself and your partner?
If you do not know what the smile dating test is, well, here is all you need to know and also why you need to take the test now.
What is the smile dating test?
As a human being, you are naturally attracted to people who make you smile. It is a universally known fact that a smile can enhance one’s physical appearance, boost confidence and make them more approachable.
But did you know that a smile can also reveal a lot about a person’s personality and character? Because of how important a smile is, it is no surprise that a Smile Dating Test exists.
Now, are you tired of going on dates with people who just do not make you smile? Are there times you wished you had a heads up about the person or even yourself and how you would react? This is why you need to jump on the smile dating test today.
But what exactly is the smile dating test? Well, this is a unique dating test that measures the level of happiness and satisfaction you feel when you are with a potential partner. The test is based on the idea that a genuine smile is a clear indication of true happiness and contentment hence, the use of smileys.
Smileys, also known as emoticons, are symbols or combinations of symbols used to convey emotions or tone in written communication. They are often used in text messages, emails, and online chat rooms to help convey the intended meaning of a message. As a result of this, it is very common and used by many.
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The most common smileys are created using keyboard characters such as 🙂 for a smile or 🙁 for a frown. With the rise of technology and social media, many platforms now offer a wide range of graphical smileys that are more expressive and can convey a wider range of emotions.
Because smileys are used to add emotional context to a message and help the reader understand the tone or intent of the message, South Korean company Cookie Rocket Co. Ltd has made it the foundation of the Smile Dating Test on their website,
The viral test comprises 16 smileys in various colours, including rose red, grey, khaki, and beige. Each hue corresponds to a particular personality trait that respondents can discover by answering specific questions. The goal of the quiz is to determine an individual’s dating style based on the smiley character they are assigned.
As the test gains popularity on social media, numerous individuals are eager to learn how to take the quiz and share their outcomes online. The test is easy to take and can be completed online. You will be asked a series of questions about your dating habits and preferences, as well as your overall happiness and satisfaction with life.
Once you have completed the test, you will receive a detailed report that analyses your results and provides personalised recommendations for finding a partner who makes you smile.
But why is it important to find someone who makes you smile? Well, studies have shown that being in a happy and fulfilling relationship can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. People in happy relationships tend to experience less stress, have better physical health and are, overall, more satisfied with their lives.
Finding someone who makes you smile is not always easy, but with ktestone’s Smile Dating Test, an individual can increase hir or her chance of finding that special someone. By taking the test and following the personalised recommendations provided, you can start your journey toward a happier and more fulfilling love life.
How to do the smile dating test
To participate in the smile dating test, here are the steps you need to follow:
- Open your browser.
- Type in the phrase ‘smile dating test’.
- Once the page is done loading, click on the first site there which is
- You will be taken to their page.
- Once the page is done loading, click on the ‘Going to do test’ icon.
- You will be given a question with two options in a white box with a red line round about it.
- Read the question and click on the box that you feel has the correct answer based on your preference.
- You will be asked questions like: When you have no plan for the weekend, what will you do? What will you do if you have an unexpected appointment suddenly? What will you do when a friend takes you on a blind date?
- You will be asked a total of twelve questions as you proceed.
- After clicking on the answer to the 12th question, you will be assigned a smiley describing your personality or that of your partner.
- After taking the test, you can share your result with friends on social media.
Smile dating test results
By answering 12 questions about your weekend plans, aeroplane thoughts, hobbies and hypothetical blind dates, a colourful smiley face will be assigned to you.
This smiley face represents your unique personality type, which is determined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI is a well-known personality assessment tool that categorises individuals into one of 16 personality types based on their responses.
These personality types include:
- The Inspector
- The Protector
- The Counselor
- The Mastermind
- The Craftsman
- The Composer
- The Healer
- The Architect
- The Dynamo
- The Performer
- The Champion
- The Visionary
- The Supervisor
- The Provider
- The Teacher
- The Commander
So, each smiley used for the Smile Dating Test represents one of the above personalities. The quiz results will provide insight into your dating traits and show the two smiley faces you are most and least compatible with.
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Each smiley face corresponds to a specific MBTI personality type, such as a navy blue face representing a “sunflower full of care.”
Individuals with this personality type are described as nurturing and attentive to their lover’s emotions, but also independent and potentially averse to difficult conversations with their partners.
Smile dating test TikTok
Over the years, TikTok has been flooded with a plethora of quizzes and tests, all of which have gone viral and become immensely popular among users.
From the viral ‘Mental Age’ quiz to the more recent ‘Jock, Nerd, Prep, Goth chart’ test, users have enjoyed taking these quizzes and sharing their results with others on the platform.
The latest test that has taken TikTok by storm is the ‘smile dating test’ by Ktestone. This quiz allows users to discover their dating personality by answering a series of questions and being assigned a smiley character that matches their style.
Users have been sharing their results on the video-sharing platform, and engaging with others on the platform to discuss their outcomes.
To partake in this growing trend on TikTok, individuals utilise the following steps:
- Go to
- Answer the 12 questions.
- After you are shown your result, screenshot it and upload it in a video on TikTok.
Many TikTok users add a song that aligns with their smiley result to make their videos more interesting.
The Smile Dating Test has helped couples know how compatible they are, based on the smiley faces. Many people are jumping on this new TikTok trend because of its level of accuracy and ease.
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