
Top 10 benefits of eating eggs

Top 10 benefits of eating eggs

Eggs have been part of our diet for a long time. They are delicious and offer culinary variety such as hard-boiled eggs, omelettes, and deviled eggs. However, there are so many theories surrounding eating eggs. Some nutritionists believe eggs should be avoided due to their high cholesterol content. Others think they should be part of your daily diet because they have many health benefits.

Therefore, this article shall only focus on the top 10 benefits of eating eggs.

Top 10 benefits of eating eggs

1. Eggs are rich in protein

Eggs are rich in protein
Photo credit: Shutterstock

One egg has six grams of proteins, with all nine “essential” amino acids. Proteins are important for healthy growth and development in children and maintenance of cells in adults. The egg whites, especially, hold about half of the protein and only a small portion of the fat and cholesterol. They can also help with weight management, increase muscle mass, lower blood pressure and bones management.

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2.  Eggs contain lots of nutrients

Eggs contain lots of nutrients
Photo credit: Shutterstock

One large boiled egg has about 77 calories, which include the following:

  • Vitamins A, B5, B12, D, E, K, B6
  • Folate
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Six grams of protein
  • Five grams of healthy fats

While the proteins help in the healthy growth and maintenance of cells, the vitamins and minerals lower the risk of heart disease and also keep the immune system healthy.

3. They improve your ‘good’ cholesterol

They improve your 'good' cholesterol
Photo credit: Ecosalute

There are two types of cholesterol – high-density lipoprotein (HDL), known as the “good” cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), known as the “bad” cholesterol. Although eggs, particularly the yolk, contain high levels of cholesterol, they help to raise your “good” cholesterol. One study found that eating two eggs a day for six weeks increased HDL levels by 10 per cent. People with high HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and other health issues.

4.  Help reduce triglycerides

Help reduce triglycerides
Photo credit: Quick and Dirty Tips

Triglycerides are a very common kind of fat, called lipids, in your body. Your body converts the extra fats you do not need into triglycerides, which can cause a lot of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism. If your triglycerides are 150 and below, it is considered normal. A borderline of 200 is considered high while 500 and above is considered very high.

However, eggs contain high levels of omega-3 which help to reduce the triglycerides.

5. Reduce the risk of stroke

Reduce the risk of stroke

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reports that having one egg a day, compared to two eggs or less per week, was linked to a 12 per cent reduced risk of the two most common types of stroke – ischaemic and haemorrhagic. Eating eggs also helps reduce the risk of developing a fatal stroke.

Victoria Taylor, Senior Dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: “The fact that eggs can reduce your risk of having a stroke is interesting. However, more research is needed to fully understand this association.”

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6. They help your heart health

They help your heart health
Photo credit: Edward-Elmhurst Health

Eating eggs reduces your chances of developing heart disease. A study in Nutrients suggests eating one to three eggs a week is associated with a 60 per cent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, the researchers concluded that the effect depends on several factors such as lifestyle, sociodemographic and other clinical factors. Therefore, eggs have a protective role against cardiovascular disease when included in a healthy diet with low consumption of saturated fatty acids.

7. Help maintain your eye health

Help maintain your eye health
Photo credit: Vision Australia

As we get older, our eyes become naturally weaker. However, eating eggs helps improve your eyesight. The yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are helpful antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes. Also, eggs are rich in vitamin A – which is beneficial for the eyes.

8. Provide some choline

Provide some choline
Photo credit: Meer

Eggs are great sources of choline, an essential nutrient required for normal bodily function and human health. Choline is an organic, water-soluble compound, grouped with the vitamin B complex due to its similarities. It helps with liver function, healthy brain development, muscle movement, the nervous system and metabolism.

Therefore, one hard-boiled egg has about 147 milligrams of choline, which is 27 per cent of the daily value recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Choline is also very important for pregnant women and breastfeeding women because of the essential role it plays in brain development.

9. Help sharpen your brain

Help sharpen your brain
Photo credit: Magzter

Eggs have vitamin D, which is great for your brain. Also, the choline in the eggs helps the nerve cells (neurons) in your brain interact well with each other. Apart from choline and vitamin A, eggs contain vitamins B6 and B12, folate and nutrients that are tied to brain health.

10. They keep you full

They keep you full
Photo credit: Healthshots

Eggs are not just nutrient-dense, they can keep you incredibly full. Eating eggs will likely make you eat less throughout the day. Studies have shown that egg meals, especially when paired with a source of fibre, promote feelings of fullness and reduce food intake during later meals when compared with other meals with the same calorie content. If you are trying to watch your weight, eat eggs to reduce cravings for other food.

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Nonye is a Thespian, screenwriter, creative writer and an unapologetic lover of books, great movies and sports. She has over 10 years experience in content writing on entertainment, movies, sports and lifestyle. Nonye is currently a content writer at Blackdot Media and founder of
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