
From sabi women – Tips to land that girl of your dreams

From sabi women - Tips to land that girl of your dreams

Love is a beautiful thing but it can also be difficult to build, especially if it is unrequited. As a guy, you are expected to chase the girl you want. But what if you are the shy type, the type that hardly knows how to express himself in front of a woman he likes?

The good news is you can land that girl of your dreams when you take certain necessary steps. They are not rocket science, but they should be taken seriously at the same time.

In this article, some sabi women have compiled 10 useful tips to land that babe you have been targeting.

How to land the girl of your dreams

1. Be confident

Be confident
Photo credit: Dreamstime

In this part of the world, we often here of this expression, “be a man.” This usually means you have to be strong and confident even in the face of adversities.

If you want that girl to look your way, you need to exude true confidence without seeming arrogant. It means you have to accept yourself for who you are. You need to take good care of yourself. When a girl sees a guy who is well put together in his appearance and manner, it will be easy to fall for him.

2. Invite her to hang out with your friends

Invite her to hang out with your friends
Photo credit: Adobe Stock

Since you find it difficult to ask her out on a date, you can get to spend time with her in other ways. Try to get her to hang out with you and your friends. This way, the pressure of being on a date will be greatly reduced and you can have fun spending time with her.

3. Make eye contact

Make eye contact
Photo credit: demaerre via Getty Images

Bro, keep your eyes on her face and not anywhere else. Yeah, you find her very sexy, get a grip. Staring at her boobs and other sensitive areas especially when you are having a conversation is a total turn off for any girl. But when you make eye contact, you give the impression that you find her interesting beyond her appearance.

4. Tease her gently

Tease her gently
Photo credit: Dreamstime

Show her you can be fun to be around by making light jokes and teasing her. Poke lighthearted fun at things that she is interested in. You can tease her about her love for Telemundo or about watching certain reality Tv shows.

However, jokes can quickly turn sour. Avoid talking about sensitive subjects she is connected to such her appearance, intelligence or  loved ones.

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5. Compliment her

Compliment her
Photo credit: Pond5

Your compliment should not be raw and sexual. It should be something sweet and kind. For instance, avoid calling her sexy, say she is beautiful. Your compliments should not be limited to her looks alone, so you do not give the impression that you are interested only in her looks.

Compliment her on her intelligence, interests and other things she is connected with. This will help her relax around you and give you the right opportunity to make your next move.

6. Follow her on social media

Follow her on social media
Photo credit: Freepik

If she is active on social media,  you should be one of her active followers. First, this is a platform where you will get updates about her. Second, it is an opportunity to show your support for her. Third, you get to interact with her on a neutral platform.

So, when you follow her on social media, make sure you like and comment on her posts. Send her playful and funny posts, including texts, videos and photos. Make an interesting post and tag or mention her to respond. Social media is a great tool to connect with  that babe you are interested in without making any physical appearance. This also means you can be yourself with her without being nervous.

However, make sure you are not following her on social media like an online stalker. For instance, wait for her to reply to your comment without making another.

7. Send her a DM

Send her a DM
Photo credit: Chrome web store

There are many sweet stories of couples who met through DMs. Your solution can be as simple as sending a DM to that babe you like. It does not diminish your pride and certainly not change who you are.

However, be careful about the type of DM you are sending. Don’t be among those guys that send, “hi angle,” “hello beauty” and other dumb stuff like that. Instead, send something that can create a conversation.

For instance, you can use one of her posts as a subject of your conversation. Let’s say she posted a picture of an exotic location, you can ask her if she has been there and what makes that place so interesting. Great conversation starter, right? You now see why you should follow her on social media.

8. Surprise her with a gift

Surprise her with a gift
Photo credit: Shutterstuck

This is one of the surest ways to show a babe that you are interested in her. Once in a while, surprise her with a gift. It could be one of her favourite collections or tickets to her favourite concerts, etc.

You must not wait for her birthday or any date of celebrations to give her something. Random little gifts can definitely draw her attention.

9. Show her some respect

Show her some respect
Photo credit: Antonio Diaz via Getty Images

Do not be that guy that believes women are created to be submissive to men and do not deserve respect. Chivalry is not old fashioned. Hold the door open for her, offer to carry something for her, or speak politely during conversations. You will be showing her that you care.

10. Treat her differently from everyone else

Treat her differently from everyone else
Photo credit: Friskes via Getty images

Show her some love, show her some preferential treatment in front of everyone. Make sure she has all your attention whenever you guys hang out together. Engage her in various activities and make sure you help her out when she is stuck.

If you have to leave on time, make sure you let her know before you leave. All these will show her that she is more important to you than anyone or anything else. Why will she not fall for you and give you a chance?

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Nonye is a Thespian, screenwriter, creative writer and an unapologetic lover of books, great movies and sports. She has over 10 years experience in content writing on entertainment, movies, sports and lifestyle. Nonye is currently a content writer at Blackdot Media and founder of
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