The year 2025 is finally here and it is already running fast. By now, you must have made new resolutions and even tried to practice them. Let’s be real, some of those resolutions are difficult to sustain, so you are probably at that stage when you have postponed everything to next year.
It is not yet too late. You can still turn things around. But first, you have to learn to be a better person to achieve your goals this year. Here are 10 effective ways to do that.
10 things you must do to be a better person in 2025
1. Talk less, listen more
In simple English, stop talking too much and try to listen more. Oftentimes, we think we know better than others. While loving to listen to your own voice is great for your self confidence, it can make you look stupid if you do too much. Besides, you never know what you can learn if you do not listen to other people’s opinion.
2. Learn new things every day
The only constant thing in life is change. You cannot continue the old ways and expect new results. If you are looking forward to becoming a better person in 2025, you first learn to change your old ways.
Change your outlook in life, your habit and generally your actions. No amount of motivational talks and religious brouhaha can make you change to become a better person if you do not put in an intentional effort.
3. Devote time to your duties

See your responsibilities as your religion. If you are a parent, your duty is to take care of your children. If you are a student, your duty is to study, pass your exams and learn some valuable skills. The same applies to an employer, employee, friend, sibling.
In other words, learn to be a responsible person. It is best to have someone you can be accountable to, someone you respect who will keep you in line, and who will motivate you to achieve your goals. It can be your parent, sibling, spouse or a work colleague.
4. Try to improve the way you do things

It is not enough to learn something new. Learn to be an expert in it. Always try to improve, no matter how insignificant the improvement is.
It is so easy to stay stuck in your comfort zone, always doing the routine things. But it can get boring quickly and may likely affect your mental health. To be a better person, get out of your comfort zone and try to do better. The beginning may be tough but you will learn to appreciate your efforts with time.
5. Identify your strengths and weaknesses
Nobody is born perfect. We all have our good and bad sides. Smart people know their strengths and weaknesses, while smarter people try to work on their strengths and reduce their weaknesses.
It is easy to identify these things. First, get a pen and paper. Sit in a quiet environment and think. Then begin to note down those things. Write down what is enhancing your character and what is pulling you down. If you must, involve the services of a person you trust to help you.
6. Create a vision board

Of course, there are many things you may want to accomplish this year. To get you started, put them all down on a paper or slate. That is your vision board for the year.
This board should include all aspects of your life you need to change this year. They may be personal development, wealth, career, passion, relationships, and so on. Therefore, create this board and post it where it will be a constant reminder of the things you need to accomplish before the year runs out.
7. Be consistent
Consistency is the key to greatness. It does not just apply to wealth creation, it is involved in every aspect of life. Nothing is ever accomplished without consistency.
You may find the journey rough the first time, but it gets easier if you continue to maintain that same energy.
However, consistency does not mean it has to happen everyday. You are human, after all, and there may be times when you need to take a little break.
8. Take care of yourself
Taking a little break to care for yourself once in a while is not bad at all. It does not mean you will lose the momentum of your progress.
Everything must not start and end in taking care of others only. It is easy to lose yourself if you have many responsibilities (adulting is hard). However, you need to rest, enjoy the fruits of your labour. Even if there is nothing to enjoy, just do anything that will make you relax and appreciate the weather.
You are human and you deserve love and attention. If you cannot get it from people who are supposed to be close to you, you can go out there and get it yourself.
9. Practice forgiveness
Here’s the thing – humans are imperfect beings. So the possibilities that you will get offended by someone is very high. It is especially painful if the offense has to do with betrayal from a trusted person.
All the same, learn to forgive the person. You will be doing yourself a disservice if you keep holding grudges. Free yourself from that burden and move on whether the offender wants your forgiveness or not.
However, forgiveness does not mean you will allow yourself to be taken for granted. Learn to set boundaries so the offender does not get another chance to hurt you again.
10. Be grateful for what you have

You might think it is not much, but the fact that you are still alive to witness 2025 should make you show some gratitude. The new year is filled with possibilities at your disposal.
Be grateful for seeing yourself in the new year. Also, be grateful for what you have, entering the new year. Showing gratitude gives you the motivation to do your duty with a reinvigorated zeal, leading to more accomplishments.
In the end, being a better person is determined by only one factor – you.