We are entering the festive season. So you might not think about setting health goals in the face of all the delicacies and treats you will enjoy during this season. However, health is wealth, meaning you cannot achieve your lifetime goals without good health.
In other words, taking good care of your health is important. Diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, heart disease, arthritis or other conditions set limitations you really do not want. This is why you should set health goals, which encompass many aspects of your life, from enhancing physical health and fitness to nurturing mental wellbeing.
Therefore, here are 10 useful tips to plan a realistic and sustainable health goals.
How to set realistic health goals
1. Set SMART goals

SMART is an acronym for Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic/Relevant and Timely. Generally, it is used to set career goals. However, SMART goals can be used to set your health goals. Let us break down how it works:
- Specific: This targets the specific areas of your health you want to improve such as doing away with junk food or smoking, eating healthier meals, among others. Ask yourself why you want to achieve this goal and how it can impact your life once you are able to achieve it.
- Measurable: This simply means measuring the steps you will take to achieve your goals. For instance, you can decide to take a walk once a day instead of setting an unrealistic goal of three times a day.
- Achievable: Set the goals you know you can accomplish. They may be challenging but not impossible. For instance, if you are trying to workout for the first time, doing an intense workout three times a day is not achievable. However, setting the goal for twice a week can be.
- Realistic/relevant: Be honest to yourself why you are setting this goal. Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. For instance, it is unrealistic to visit the gym everyday just to land a husband within a month. But it is realistic to visit the gym because you want to look and feel good about yourself.
- Timely: Keep a timeframe of your health goals to track your progress. It keeps you focused on your goals, and prevents distractions.
2. Eat nourishing food
Learn to eat right. One of the best ways of doing so is setting a diet plan. This will help you monitor what and when you eat. So, educate yourself about the nutrition value of the food you eat, plan your meals to include varieties of nutrients and eat moderately.
3. Set the time for a good sleep

Some motivational speakers will tell you that sleeping for hours may mean sleeping away your destiny. However, this is not true. Sleep can impact in your physical and mental well-being.
Therefore, prioritise your sleep. Create a sleep schedule to include when to go to bed and when to get up. Develop a relaxing bedtime routine to help you sleep and make your sleeping environment conducive.
4. Drink plenty water

Water is life. You should always stay hydrated. If you find it difficult drinking water, you need to create a water plan. Health experts recommend drinking at least eight cups of water everyday.
Ensure you drink a cup of water when you wake up in the morning. Drink water before and after every meal. Carry a water bottle wherever you go and set reminders to drink water in case you forget. These tips will help you meet up with the recommended intake and keep you healthy.
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5. Be mindful of your mental health

Mental health has become a hot topic especially among young people in recent years. Without proper mental health, your physical health will not thrive. Therefore, learn to avoid anything that can negatively affect your mental health, including limiting your time on social media. Focus on other things that can make you happy like hobbies you enjoy. Schedule a professional appointment if you are struggling with mental health issues.
6. Manage stress and anxiety

Stress is often underrated in the midst of the bustle and hustle of life. But stress leads to health issues like insomnia, fatigue, and even anxiety and depression. Identify what triggers your stress and minimise it. Engage in regular exercises, including relaxation techniques to help you manage your stress. Of course, this means you have to schedule time for those exercises.
7. Tap into your support system

It is difficult to achieve your goals in isolation. You need a support system to help you on this challenging journey. Your family, friends or healthcare provider should be on your side to motivate you as you set out to achieve your goals.
In addition, take advantage of technology. There are several helpful apps that will cater to your well-being. Join relevant online communities and connect with people who share the same interests as yours.
8. Plan according to your strength
Keep your health goal simple and according to your strength. For instance, if your goal is to lose some pounds and you hate the gym, you can try simple home workouts and stick to them. Do not ever feel pressured to do what you cannot sustain just because others are doing it. Do you, the rest will take care of itself.
9. Hold yourself accountable

Accountability can motivate you to stick to your goals. Sometimes, you may stray and want to blame someone or something else for it. To help you stay focused, you can keep a journal of your activities or partner with someone who will keep you in check.
10. Take it one step at a time

You cannot achieve your goals overnight. Change is a process and you must be prepared to go all the way. Take baby steps towards your goal. You may stray from time to time but you should get back in line and continue. With time, you are going to look back on your journey and be grateful for how far you have come to achieve your health goals.
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