Lola Omotayo Okoye, wife of renowned singer, Peter Okoye of the PSquare duo, marked her 52nd birthday with a poignant social media tribute.
Taking to Instagram, the mother of two shared a video montage reflecting on her milestone year.
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In her post, Okoye expressed deep gratitude for the resilience and grace she has gained through life’s challenges.
She acknowledged the trials she has faced but emphasized her enduring composure and faith.
“Turning 52 is a significant milestone, showcasing the resilience and grace accrued over the years. Despite the challenges, I stand strong. I pray for a heart full of gratitude for the experiences and lessons that have shaped me,” she wrote.
Okoye also extended her thanks to family and friends for their unwavering support, concluding with a note of optimism for future adventures. “God is good, all the time. I am a babe through and through. God’s pet. Lollipop!”
Peter Okoye's wife, Lola Omotayo celebrates as she turns 52 today.
— YabaLeftOnline (@yabaleftonline) September 2, 2024