The Gap

Struggling to improve yourself? Here are 11 signs you’ve changed for the better

Struggling to improve yourself? Here are 11 signs you’ve changed for the better

There’s a stage you will get to in life, you will realise you need to buckle up. No more freebies, no more parents or siblings covering for you. You are on your own and you know this. This may lead you to feeling lost. You know what? That feeling is one of the signs that you are changing for the better.

Instead of feeling like your life has descended into chaos, you should see this as a breakthrough for your life to get better. So, what are other signs that you have changed for the better? Find out when you read this article.

11 signs you’ve changed for the better

1. You realise that your problem is you

It is common to project our problems on other people. In Nigeria, people often blame their problems on “village people.” When you get around to realising that you are your problem first before anyone else, then it means you are changing for the better. So learn to take responsibility for your actions. It does not matter whether the situation that led to your action was not your fault. The blame game needs to stop.

2. You recognise what you do not want

All these years, you thought you knew what you wanted. You actually set out to fulfil your wants. Sometimes, you overlook what you do not want. And then, it is like a scale has fallen off your eyes. All of a sudden, you realise there are certain things and people you do not want around you. Your job is boring and you want to change. Your friends are draining you. Your landlord is so greedy that he does not wait for the due date to ask for your rent.

This is a sign that you are getting clear on the trajectory you want for yourself. So, you try to weed out what you do not want so you can focus on what you want and change your life for the better.

3. You seem to be emotional all the time

You seem to be emotional all the time

Ever asked yourself why old people do not know how to pretend? This is part of the sign that they have chosen to unburden themselves of nonsense to live out their old age in peace. It is also why you seem to be so emotional these days. You are no longer suppressing your emotions. You act exactly the way you feel. Sometimes, it is not a sign of changing hormones. The simple answer is that you are maturing and transitioning into becoming a better person.

4. You are becoming more self conscious

Self awareness is a sign of changing for the better. You are reaching that part of your life when you recognise who you are and who you are not. It also means you are more conscious about the people around you and your environment. This is your subconscious telling you it is time to boost your self confidence if you ever want to be taken seriously.

5. You prefer what you desire in life to reflect who you are

Ask little children what they want to be when they grow up and you will hear, ” I want to be a doctor,” ” I want to be a lawyer,” and so on and so forth. However, as they mature, they tend to drop those desires for something more realistic. The same thing applies to you when your life is changing for the better. Your desires in life may change to what makes you happy and fulfilled, not what others expect from you.

6. You see failure as part of the process

Instead of falling deep into despair due to failure to achieve something, you feel gingered to try again, and again and again. This is a great sign that your life is changing for the better. You may feel that the world was created to bring you down. But you also feel that you are up for the challenge.

7. You realise you are not working hard enough to fulfill your dreams

Instead of giving one excuse or the other, you acknowledge the fact that certain unfulfilled desires are your own fault. You have been complaining about your current job, yet you have not made any effort to try applying to another company. You desire to get married, yet you spend all day indoors pressing your phone. When you realise that you want more in life than what you are getting and actually take steps to do something, it means you are changing for the better.

8. You are open to connecting with other people

Being alone no longer appeal to you. You want to connect with someone, a person whose interests align with yours. When you feel the need to be around other people, you are already on the right track.

9. You focus on what works

You focus on what works

No more building castles in the air. You are as realistic as anyone can be. There were times when you used to have grand dreams. But as time goes on, you limit your expectations to realistic stuffs. It does not have to mean you have given up on your dreams. This can simply mean you are becoming more a mature and better person.

10. You let little things go

As a hot-blooded youth, there are certain things you cannot tolerate, even if they are so small to be insignificant. As time goes on, you discover you are no longer interested in holding grudges over little things. This is because you have grown older and wiser, and you have realised that there are more important things to focus on.

11. You keep pushing, allowing yourself the freedom to live

As a young person trying to find a place in this world, you may be burdened with responsibilities and several setbacks to your goals. However, you know you have become a better person when you do not let these setbacks stop you from chasing your dreams and living your life to the fullest in the process.

There are a lot of things going wrong in our environment, some of which have set drawbacks to our lives. But there are wonderful things happening too. Therefore, focus on the things that bring you peace and joy, knowing that those limitations cannot stop you from being who you are.

ALSO READ: Forgiveness matters: 11 easy ways to let go of grudges before 2025

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Nonye is a Thespian, screenwriter, creative writer and an unapologetic lover of books, great movies and sports. She has over 10 years experience in content writing on entertainment, movies, sports and lifestyle. Nonye is currently a content writer at Blackdot Media and founder of
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