2025 is finally here and it is already looking like a promising year. First of all, congratulations for making it into the new year. Now, let us talk about how to make 2025 far better than 2024.
As you already know, 2024 was a tough year for Nigerians, with sapa forcing people into hardship. Talk about the depreciation of naira against the dollar, and its impact on a highly dollarised economy like Nigeria. What about the removal of fuel subsidy? Hike in food prices? Insecurity?
2025 needs not be like that for you, if you take certain steps that raise your chances of experiencing a better life that the previous offered. Without wasting more time, let us go ahead and discuss 11 ways to make 2025 better than 2024.
11 ways to make 2025 better than 2024
1. Make plans, not resolutions

Every year, you make new year resolutions. Why waste your energy setting resolutions that you probably will fail to fulfill? Use that energy to create realistic plans for an epic year. To effectively do this, you should start by making daily plans, simple things like waking up in the morning and going to work at a certain time.
Making plans makes everything seem real and serious. This will force you to focus on your goals for the year.
2. Start a hobby
The world has evolved so much that the things we used to see as unserious have made many people famous and wealthy. Start now to develop a hobby and focus on it. If there is anything technology has taught us, it is that no talent is a waste.
To make your 2025 better than the previous year, focus on things that make you happy. Even if people see it as stupid, do you as long as you are not breaking the law.
3. Travel
It is easy to get lost in taking care of others and neglect yourself. At work, your employers and colleagues need you. Your family needs you at home. Bills and other responsibilities pile up everyday. Amidst all the chaos, you tend to forget that you are human like everyone else and deserve some time for yourself.
In this year 2025, pack your bags, ensure your international passport is ready if possible, and travel. Explore places other than your usual environment. Meet people, get acquainted with their culture and you will not regret spending money on that trip.
4. Keep toxic people at a distance

Even if they are your family members, learn to set boundaries between you and them. Toxic people like to take and take until they will drain you with nothing left for yourself.
In this year 2025, keep them at a very far distance and mind your business. Once they realise you can no longer tolerate their shenanigans, they will leave you alone.
5. Be kind, but learn to say no

You want people to like you or you are just scared of missing out on something. All these are great, but do not let it be at your own expense. You are allowed to be kind to people but it is almost an abomination to not look out for your interest in the process.
As previously stated, learn to set boundaries. It is not limited to toxic people, even the kindest people may unknowingly try to take advantage of you. Be careful out there. It is a cold world.
6. Stay physically active
This means you should try adding physical exercise to your daily routine. You may ask how exercising puts food on the table. Remember that health is wealth and exercise is a proven method of staying strong and healthy.
Staying active needs not happen in a gym. You can workout at home. Download videos of home workouts or follow experts on their social media handles to get up to date tips on how to break a sweat.
7. Cut down on your daily screen time
We tend to spend more time online than offline, thanks to technology. The problem is we get to miss out on other important aspects of life, including connecting face to face with others.
2025 should be different. Develop the habit of avoiding your devices for a certain period of time. This will help you connect more with your environment and enhance your lifestyle to a better level.
8. Face your fears
2024 has taught us that drinking, clubbing, sleeping all day at worship places will not make your problems and fears go away. Instead of repeating the same thing in 2025, try something else.
Try facing your fears squarely. Fear can literally stop you from taking action and moving forward. It ultimately prevents you from being the best version of yourself. To make 2025 your best year yet, then it is time to confront that thing that has prevented you from moving forward.
9. Take care of your space
This year, the mantra should be clean up your space and mind your business. Having a cluttered up environment can cause depression. Learn to keep your environment organised and clean. It will help you maintain clarity on your purpose for the day.
10. Volunteer your time for a good cause

Giving back to your community grants you a sense of fulfillment. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching others be happy because of you. Join non-governmental organisations around your area or you can start yours.
You do not need to rent a building to start a charity cause. There are many volunteer activities you can be involved in such as distributing relief items to the need, clean up exercise in your neighbourhood and lots more.
11. Show gratitude

Be grateful for what you have. Showing gratitude will shift your perception of life. You will no longer feel like the world was created to be against you. Instead, you were born for a purpose. As long as your stay in your lane and make progress in it, you will be fine.
Therefore, stop wishing for what others have. Rather create yours. Grab opportunities when they come your way and do your best. Finally, be thankful for what you have achieved no matter how little. By the time 2025 ends, you will look back and agree it is your best year yet.
ALSO READ: Setting goals that stick in 2025